Subway Procedures

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Order point procedures:

  • Greet the customer as soon as possible after they come in, even if you are busy with another customer or task.
  • Ask which bread they want first? (If they don't answer immediately, tell them Parmesan Oregano and Honey Oat are the most popular.)
  • When getting bread from the bread cabinet make sure the bread is not too old, misshapen, burned, or has any other problem. Make sure after cutting the bread that the interior is fresh as well. Throw away (ad write on the bread log) any bread that is not acceptable.
  • Ask if they want footlong? (If they don't answer immediately, show them the available sizes. This question will help increase footlong sales.)
  • Next ask what meat they want? (If they don't answer immediately, suggest one of the $110 sandwiches: Italian BMT, Steak & Cheese, Seafood, Subway Melt, Subway Club, Roast Beef.)
  • Ask if they want cheese?
  • Ask if they want it toasted?
  • Ask if they want all the vegetables? (This is easier to answer than "Which vegetables do you want?")
  • Ask if they want all the regular toppings?


During busy times (lunch, dinner), use 3 or more people to do the "Thru-put" system to increase speed:

  • First person should prepare bread, meat, cheese, and place sandwich in oven if the customer wants.
  • Second person should remove sandwiches from oven, prepare vegetables, add toppings, wrap sandwiches and tell the POS person what the sandwiches are and which customer it is for.
  • Third person should handle POS Procedures as below.

First and second person should work on 2-3 sandwiches at once. If there are four people then add one person between the first and second who can place and remove sandwiches in the toaster oven and start on vegetables. Everyone doing sandwich prep should help out with tasks for the person next to them to keep things moving quickly, but should not change positions.

This will speed up the sandwich prep time. The goal is to get customers in and out quickly during the busy lunch and dinner times and keep the lines shorter. We don't want customers leaving or not coming back because it takes too long to get served, and using this system will increase the number of sales possible during the busy time.

POS Procedures:

  • Ask for here or take away?
  • Put in bag or on tray. (Make sure tray has tray liner if available.)
  • Always ask at least one of the following:
    • Would you like chips or cookie?
    • Would you like that as a meal? (If they don't answer immediately, explain that a meal is drink plus cookies or chips. Any sandwich can be made into a meal but only the 6" sandwich can have the meal discount.)
    • Would you like anything to drink? (For takeaway orders suggest a bottled drink as more convenient.)
  • Give one napkin for each sub or salad every time to all customers.
  • Give one sub club stamp for each 6" or salad, two for each 12" every time. (Explain the sub club card system to the customer if they don't know.)
  • Give one copy of any current DM if available.
  • Thank the customer for coming.

Customer Complaints:

  • If customer is not happy with any product, make a new one or refund their money at the customer's option. (When refunding money remember to get receipt back from the customer and void receipt. When remaking a bread/salad product, record the thrown out bread or plate on the bread log.)
  • Offer the customer a free cookie to apologize for the problem.
  • It is more important to make sure a customer is completely happy with our products. The cost of throwing away something is much less than the cost of a customer who never comes back. Throw away the food, not the customer!
  • If you are ever unsure what to do, make the customer happy and ask the boss/manager later.

Opening Time:

  • Turn on interior lights, air conditioners, and front counter cooler.
  • Add fresh water to proofer water pan to fill line and turn on proofer.
  • Add fresh water to front counter heater and turn on heater.
  • Start process of preparing bread.
  • Put food items into front counter.
  • After all bread is removed from retarder, stock retarder with bread for afternoon baking.
  • Start fresh batches of soup, coffee, meatballs.
  • Fill hot water heater with fresh water and turn on.
  • Move cookies back into cookie case on fresh deli papers.
  • Sweep front walkway every day.
  • Clean glass front windows and door every day.
  • Check that all closing procedures were done, and complete any if needed.
  • When restaurant is ready for customers, turn on 'Open' light.

Before Lunch time (11:30am), Dinner time (5:00) and closing:

Customer Area:

  • All tables and chairs are clean, chairs pushed in, all trash is thrown out.
  • Trash can exterior is clean and all old trays removed.
  • Floor is clean of all visible debris.
  • Bottled drinks refrigerator is fully stocked with all drinks. (New drinks put behind old.)
  • Cup lids, straws, sugar, cream, utensils are neat and fully stocked. (New items put under old.)
  • All Coke machine drinks are working, and ice is available.
  • Drinks counter, refrigerator and Coke machine are completely clean.
  • Chips rack is neat and fully stocked. (New chips are put behind and under old.)
  • Menu racks are full of store cards and menus.
  • Counter top napkin box is full.
  • Order counter is clean and two laminated menus are available at order point.
  • Bathroom has toilet paper and hand towels available and is reasonably clean.
  • During times which aren't busy, periodically do above tasks when needed. At all times, customers should see a clean, organized, and fully stocked restaurant.

After Lunch Time (1:30-2:00pm) and Dinner time (7:30-8:00pm):

  • Put any trash in trash can.
  • Clean trash can exterior with sanitizer including door and door edge.
  • Return old trays to behind counter.
  • Clean tables and chairs with sanitizer.
  • Sweep floor.
  • During times which aren't busy, periodically do above tasks when needed. At all times, customers should see a clean, organized, and fully stocked restaurant.

Closing Procedures:

  • Retarder is filled with enough bread dough for the next day.
  • All floors completely swept, including under tables, counters and equipment.
  • All floors mopped with fresh hot water and soap, including under tables.
  • Bathroom completely cleaned, including toilet, sink, mirror, floor every day.
  • Throw out any leftover soup, coffee, hot water, meatballs every day.
  • Throw out any bread which is not fresh (write down on bread log).
  • Clean bottom of front counter cooler thoroughly.
  • Throw out water from front counter heater and clean thoroughly.
  • All garbage is collected into garbage bag(s) and placed outside for collection. (On Sunday, garbage bags are kept inside but must be tightly closed.)
  • Thoroughly clean front counter glass inside and out with glass cleaner. (For inside glass spray cleaner on towel, not on the glass.)
  • Remove left over cookies and place on tray in bread cabinet.
  • Close vent on top of bread cabinet.
  • Before closing, make sure that there is no food left out, open food containers or any trash which may attract pests.