Taiwan Vouchers

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Taiwan has a stimulus program starting January 18, 2009 whereby each resident citizen and resident foreign spouse will receive TW$3600 in shopping vouchers. This unofficial wiki will provide information on the program in English. While reasonable effort is made to ensure the accuracy of this information, please refer to official sources to verify.

(This wiki is editable. Please create an account and edit the page to add or correct information. Please provide a source of the information to ensure accuracy and verifiability.)

Official Web Sites

Ministry of the Interior Consumer Voucher Site National Immigration Agency Foreign/Mainland Spouse Voucher Site

Information From MOI Site


Information From NIA Site

To check your eligibility and where to get your vouchers first go here:

NIA Eligibility/Location Check

You will need to enter the following information:

統一證號(大寫) ID Number (Capital Letters) 出生年份(西元) Year of birth (Western type year) 圖文驗證 CAPTCHA Test (enter the numbers in the image)

The buttons are:

查詢 Inquire 清除 Clear Form

If successful your result will look as follows:

請您至下列發放所領取消費券 Please go to the following distribution sites for your vouchers. 第1階段領取地點: Phase 1 Distribution Site: (Address will be listed in Chinese) 第2階段領取地點: Phase 2 Distribution Site: (Address will be listed in Chinese)

請攜帶通知單、印章及居留證件(如臺灣地區居留證、臺灣地區依親居留證、臺灣地區長期居留證、臺灣地區定居證、外僑居留證、永久居留證等)。 Please bring notification, personal seal and resident permit (Taiwan Area Resident Permit, Taiwan Area Joining Family Resident Permit, Taiwan Area Long Term Resident Permit, Taiwan Area Settling Permit, Alien Resident Card (ARC), Alien Permanent Resident Card (ARC)).

Phase 1 is the initial distribution day, January 18, 2009 (insert time). Phase 2 is the followup distribution period, (insert dates and times).

NIA Voucher FAQ