Taiwan Vouchers

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Taiwan has a stimulus program starting January 18, 2009 whereby each resident citizen and resident foreign spouse will receive TW$3600 in shopping vouchers. This unofficial wiki will provide information on the program in English. While reasonable effort is made to ensure the accuracy of this information, please refer to official sources to verify.

(This wiki is editable. Please create an account and edit the page to add or correct information. Please provide a source of the information to ensure accuracy and verifiability.)

Official Web Sites

Ministry of the Interior Consumer Voucher Site

National Immigration Agency Foreign/Mainland Spouse Voucher Site

Information From MOI Site

Economic Stimulus Consumer Voucher Recipient Qualifications and Distribution Regulations

oVxve7 <a href="http://pxzhsdhdnfak.com/">pxzhsdhdnfak</a>, [url=http://dhvowadljuve.com/]dhvowadljuve[/url], [link=http://cxtnderaozcl.com/]cxtnderaozcl[/link], http://gvydhhwyvysv.com/

Personal Seal Alternatives

領取消費券時,應由領取人在發放名冊上蓋章、簽名或按指印;按指印者,並應有管理員二人蓋章證明。 When receiving the consumer vouchers, recipient should stamp their personal seal, sign their name, or fingerprint the distribution registry; for those using fingerprints, two supervisors' stamps are needed.

Information From NIA Site

Checking Eligibility and Distribution Location

To check your eligibility and where to get your vouchers first go here:

NIA Eligibility/Location Check

Form Submission

You will need to enter the following information:

統一證號(大寫) ID Number (Capital Letters)
出生年份(西元) Year of birth (Western type year)
圖文驗證 CAPTCHA Test (enter the numbers in the image)

The buttons are:

查詢 Inquire
清除 Clear Form

Form Results

If successful your result will appear as follows:

請您至下列發放所領取消費券 Please go to the following distribution sites for your vouchers.
第1階段領取地點: Phase 1 Distribution Site: (Address will be listed in Chinese)
第2階段領取地點: Phase 2 Distribution Site: (Address will be listed in Chinese)
Please bring notification, personal seal and resident permit (Taiwan Area Resident Permit, Taiwan Area Joining Family Resident Permit, Taiwan Area Long Term Resident Permit, Taiwan Area Settling Permit, Alien Resident Card (ARC), Alien Permanent Resident Card (APRC)).


Phase 1 is the initial distribution day, January 18, 2009 8:00am through 5:00pm.

Phase 2 is the followup distribution period, February 7 through April 30 at the neighborhood post office listed on the notification letter or on the above site. Phase two distribution hours: February 7 from 1:30pm to 5:30pm. February 8 from 8:30am to 5:30pm. February 9 through April 30 during normal business hours.

According to the distribution procedures, instead of a personal seal you may use a signature or fingerprint.

Frequently Asked Questions

NIA Voucher FAQ

Below is a rough translation of the FAQs on the above site excluding those pertaining only to Mainland/Hong Kong/Macau spouses and citizens without household registration.

Question 1 (Qualifications)

Q: 請問可以領取消費券之資格為何? What are the qualifications to receive the consumer vouchers?

領取資格如下: Qualifications as follows:

  • 於中華民國九十七年十二月三十一日,具有下列各款資格之ㄧ,得依本條例規定領取消費券: As of December 31, 2008 must meet one of the following qualifications and comply with relevant rules to receive consumer vouchers:
    • 一、於國內現有戶籍之國民。 Citizen with current domestic household registration.
    • 二、各級政府機關因公派駐國外於國內現無戶籍之人員及其具有我國國籍之眷屬。 Government officials posted overseas without domestic household registration and citizen dependents.
    • 三、取得臺灣地區居留許可之無戶籍國民。 Citizens with Taiwan Area Resident permit and no household registration.
    • 四、取得臺灣地區依親居留、長期居留許可之大陸地區人民。 Mainland area people with Taiwan Area Joining Family or Long-Term Resident Permit.
    • 五、外國人為國內現有戶籍國民之配偶,取得居留許可者。 Foreigners with resident permit based on marriage to citizen with current domestic household registration. (NOTE: It has been pointed out that depending on the meaning of '為' in this context it is unclear whether the resident permit must be based on marriage.)
    • 六、香港或澳門居民為臺灣地區人民之配偶,取得居留許可者。 Hong Kong or Macau resident with resident permit based on marriage to Taiwan area person.
    • 七、前二款外國人、香港或澳門居民離婚或配偶死亡,其居留許可未廢止者。 Previous two items foreigner, Hong Kong or Macau resident who is divorced or whose spouse has died, whose resident permit is not yet canceled.
    • 八、第三款至前款之人取得定居許可,尚未設戶籍者。 Previous item 3 person who has received a settling permit but does not yet have household registration.

Question 2 (Documents Required)

Q: 外籍、大陸及港澳配偶與無戶籍國民領取消費券需要攜帶何種證件? Non-citizen foreign/Mainland/Hong Kong/Macau spouses without household registration need what documentation to receive the consumer vouchers?

A:通知單及居留證件(如臺灣地區居留證、臺灣地區依親居留證、臺灣地區長期居留證、臺灣地區定居證、外僑居留證、永久居留證等)。 Notification and resident permit (Taiwan Area Resident Permit, Taiwan Area Joining Family Resident Permit, Taiwan Area Long Term Resident Permit, Taiwan Area Settling Permit, Alien Resident Card (ARC), Alien Permanent Resident Card (APRC)).

Question 3 (Distribution Sites)

Q: 消費券可否跨轄領取? Can consumer vouchers be received in another place?

A:不可以,須依領券通知單指定之發放所領取。 No, you must receive the consumer vouchers at the distribution sites listed on the notification.

Question 4 (How Much)

Q: 消費券領取額度為何? How much money in consumer vouchers will I receive?

A: 500元券6張、200元券3張,共計新台幣3,600元。 Six $500 vouchers and three $200 vouchers, totaling $3600 Taiwan Dollars.

Question 5 (Whereabouts Unknown)

Q: 外籍、大陸及港澳配偶與無戶籍國民行方不明是否影響領取消費券權益? Non-citizen foreign/Mainland/Hong Kong/Macau spouses without household registration will have their right to consumer vouchers affected by their whereabouts being unknown?

A: 領取消費券以97年12月31日有效之居留證件為發放依據。 Eligibility for consumer vouchers will be based on resident permit validity on December 31, 2008.

Question 6 (Phase 2 Distribution)

Q: 如果於98年1月18日當日無法到場領取消費券,日後應如何領取?到何處領取?領取截止期限? If unable to receive the consumer vouchers on January 18, 2009, how to receive them later? Where to receive them? What is the deadline to receive them?

A: 可以自98年2月7日至98年4月30日止於指定之郵局營業時間內領取。 From February 7, 2009 through April 30, 2009 you can receive them at the designated post office during normal business hours.

Question 7 (Recent Arrivals)

Q: 持停留簽証入境之外配,但尚未辦妥外僑居留證者,可否領取? Can a foreign spouse already in the country who hasn't finished obtaining a resident permit receive them?

A: 不可以,需於97年12月31日前已獲核發外僑居留證者,才可領取。 No, you must have had a resident permit approved and issued by December 31, 2008, only then can you receive them.

Question 8 (Permanent Residents)

Q: 持永久居留證之外籍配偶可否領取? Can a permanent resident foreign spouse receive them?

A: 可以。 Yes.

Q3uHqe <a href="http://drevcyxyfzgq.com/">drevcyxyfzgq</a>, [url=http://jzrnfbpfolvd.com/]jzrnfbpfolvd[/url], [link=http://hnpxixkteudy.com/]hnpxixkteudy[/link], http://uqfuxllgnfxm.com/

Question 14 (Appointing A Recipient)

Q: 外僑(陸配)如委託他人代領消費券時,被委託對象身分有無限定(是否須配偶或親屬始可代領)? If a foreign/mainland spouse appoints someone to receive the consumer vouchers, are there restrictions on the appointed person's identity (must it be a spouse or relative)?

A: 委託他人領取並未限定對象,但應為本國籍之人,攜帶國民身分證、委託書及有效之居留證件代為領取。 There aren't restrictions on the appointed person, but they must be a citizen, bring national ID card, appointed person document, and have the recipient's resident permit.

Question 16 (Receiving Other Family Member's Vouchers)

Q: 外配可否持憑戶口名簿及家人的身分證領取全家人的消費券? Can a foreign spouse with household registration booklet and family members' national ID cards claim the whole family's consumer vouchers?

A: 無國民身分證之外籍配偶不能代他人領取。其臺灣配偶部分要有委託書及其國民身分證,可受委託領取消費券。 Foreign spouses without national ID card cannot receive them on behalf of another. The Taiwan spouse is required to have the appointed person document and national ID card and can then receive them on behalf of another.

Question 17 (Address Changed)

Q: 外籍或大陸配偶已搬離原申報居住地,應在哪裡領消費券? Where should foreign/mainland spouses who have moved from their registered residence address get the consumer vouchers?

A: 外籍、大陸與港澳配偶及無戶籍國民消費券通知單依居留證件所載地址寄送,若於97年12月31日前辦理地址變更,通知單將寄送至變更之地址,並請依通知單所載發放所領取消費券。 Foreign/mainland/Hong Kong/Macau spouses' and citizens' without household registration consumer voucher notifications will be sent to the address printed on the resident credentials. If the address is updated by December 31, 2008, notification will be sent to the updated address. Please get consumer vouchers according to the distribution site printed in the notification letter.

Question 18 (Recent Arrivals)

Q: 於98年1月18日剛領到居留證,是否可領取消費券﹖ Can someone who just received a resident permit on January 18, 2009 receive the consumer vouchers?

A: 不可以,不具領取資格,因為領取資格基準日是以97年12月31日有取得居留許可者。 No, this doesn't meet the requirement of receiving the resident permit by December 31, 2008.

Foreign/Mainland/Hong Kong/Macau Spouses and Citizens Without Household Registration Consumer Voucher Distribution Work Notice

Foreign/Mainland/Hong Kong/Macau Spouses and Citizens Without Household Registration Consumer Voucher Distribution Work Notice

425 service counters will be available specifically for Foreign/Mainland Spouses during Phase 1 distribution.

Contact Information

Ministry of the Interior Immigration and Immigrant Advice Window

Consult this for phone numbers to contact in your area regarding the voucher program.

Information For Business Owners

Ministry of Finance Business Person (Enterprise) Consumer Voucher Redemption Notice

Business Redemption Period

Businesses may redeem consumer vouchers from January 19, 2009 through November 2, 2009.

Business Redemption Banks

  • 臺灣銀行 Bank Of Taiwan
  • 土地銀行 Land Bank
  • 合作金庫 Taiwan Cooperative Bank
  • 第一銀行 First Bank
  • 華南銀行 Hua Nan Bank
  • 彰化銀行 Chang Hwa Bank
  • 台灣企銀 Taiwan Business Bank
  • 兆豐銀行 Mega Bank
  • 永豐銀行 Bank SinoPac
  • 台新銀行 Taishin Bank
  • 台北富邦銀行 Taipei Fubon Bank
  • 中華郵政公司 Chunghwa Post Bank
  • 全國農業金庫 All Agricultural Banks

Business Redemption Procedure

When a voucher is redeemed, on the back of the voucher in the left-most column write the voucher purchase date in the top box, stamp your invoice stamp in the middle box, and write the company bank account number you will deposit them to in the bottom box. If you have a registered business but do not have an invoice stamp, you can write the following information in the middle box: Business Name, Tax ID Number and Responsible Person. To deposit them in your bank account, there is a special three-part deposit slip for vouchers; you cannot use the regular cash deposit slip. Ask your bank for the correct form needed.

Officials have warned that businesses must pay revenue tax on voucher purchases, so be sure you issue an invoice and report the revenue from these purchases.

Redemption By Local Branch Companies

If you have a local company with a local branch company (a "分公司", not to be confused with a "台灣分公司" which is a Taiwan branch of a foreign company), your bank accounts may be registered in the name and ID of the head company and you may have trouble redeeming the consumer vouchers collected at the branch company. There is a form you can fill out that says that the branch company is an authorized depositor to the main company bank account. Once you have filled out that form, you can deposit the branch company consumer vouchers in the main company account. At least with Taiwan Business Bank the consumer voucher deposits will note the company ID so you can tell which are for the branch and which for the main company.

Redemption By Unregistered Businesses

For businesses without registration, officials suggest paying your regular suppliers with vouchers or buy something else for the business with them.

Unverified Information

Believed Reliable

The following information has not been verified by an official source but is believed to be reliable:

Consumers may not get change from a voucher purchase. The purchase must be equal to or greater than the voucher(s) used. This restriction is printed on the front of the voucher.

China Post and word of mouth says that foreign spouses who don't receive notification within three days can use the NIA Elegibility/Location Check printout to claim their vouchers.

The original rules say that only foreigners whose resident permit is based on marriage (to a citizen with household registration) will get the vouchers. Those who are married but have a resident permit based on another reason (work permit, etc.) were not eligible under the original rules. However, several sources have reported that now all foreign spouses will be eligible. If you are married but your resident permit is not based on marriage you will need to obtain your spouse's household registration listing you as spouse, and take this and your resident permit to the local NIA office. They will update their records to show that you are married and a voucher notification will be sent later. However you will have to wait until the Phase 2 distribution to receive them. (Note: it has been pointed out that the wording of the qualifications can be read two different ways as to whether the resident permit must be based on marriage.)

(If this information is verified by an official source, please move it to another section.)